Articles in the How-To category

Mock Object Strategies

By Eric — 12 minute read

How do you get your production code to use real objects and your test code to use mock objects?

Here's the class we want to test (adapted from Object-Oriented Design Heuristics, Arthur J. Riel):

public class HeatFlowRegulator 
    private Furnace furnace; 
    private Set house;    

    public HeatFlowRegulator(Set house) 
    { = house …


Testing Styles: Favor Unit Testing

By Eric — 8 minute read

Ideally, human efforts in testing should focus on building tests -- figuring out the strategies, test cases, and test data. From there, we'd rather let the computer run the tests and verify the results. If you had to test everything manually every day, you would either not do it, or really …