Getting the Host's Main Window Handle in an Office Add-in
By Eric — — 1 minute readSometimes you want the window handle of the host application when you're writing an Office add-in. Excel includes that as a property of the Application object in newer versions of the object model, but Word and PowerPoint don't. I seem to remember some sample code from Microsoft that suggests using FindWindow to get the handle, but that always seems problematic:
- You can search by class name (e.g. "OpusApp" for Word), but what if you somehow have multiple Word processes running? Which window do you get?
- You can search by window text, but it can be really hard to figure out what the window text is.
- You can set the Caption property on the Application object to some magic text and search for a window with the magic text, but Word throws all kinds of other stuff into the caption so this generally doesn't work reliably.
Instead, if you're using managed code, you can just do this:
IntPtr hwnd = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle;
Underneath this uses EnumWindows
and GetWindowThreadProcessId
find the right window.