Dressing the Database in Big-Boy Pants, Part 2

By Eric — 8 minute read

Last time I wrote about using dbdeploy to easily create local databases and to automatically apply changes to the development, staging and production databases. The other change I made recently was to add stored procedure unit tests.

I looked briefly at frameworks specifically for testing databases, but didn't see a ton of value beyond just invoking the database from JUnit via JDBC, so that's what I did. Like the use of dbdeploy, stuff gets started from Ant, with a test target.

<target name="test" depends="create-test-database"
    description="Run tests against database procedures">
    <path id="test.lib.path">
      <fileset dir="lib">
        <include name="**/*.jar"/>
      <fileset dir="test/lib">
        <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    <!-- Compile tests -->
    <mkdir dir="${target.dir}/classes"/>
    <javac srcdir="test/src" destdir="${target.dir}/classes" includeantruntime="false">
            <path refid="test.lib.path"/>
    <!-- Run them -->
    <junit printsummary="on" haltonfailure="on">
        <sysproperty key="dbhost" value="${db.host}"/>
        <sysproperty key="dbuser" value="${db.user}"/>
        <sysproperty key="dbpass" value="${db.password}"/>
        <sysproperty key="dbname" value="${test.db.name}"/>
            <path refid="test.lib.path"/>
            <pathelement location="${target.dir}/classes"/>
           <fileset dir="test/src">
                <include name="**/*Test*" />

Since it is trivial to create a fresh database, I create a separate one just for testing in the dependent create-test-database target. This lets passing tests be a precondition to updating the real database. In other words, on the build server, the test target has to succeed before the update-database target will be run that will apply the current set of database deltas to the real database.

The sysproperty Ant task is handy here because it lets you pass information to the JUnit tests. This means you can set all the database connection information once in the Ant script, but have access to it in the JUnit tests, keeping things DRY.

In JUnit, the properties set with the sysproperty task are available via System.getProperty, as you can see from this setup function:

public static void classSetUp() throws Exception {
    // Get database connection info from system properties set by Ant.
    String host = System.getProperty("dbhost");
    String database = System.getProperty("dbname");
    String user = System.getProperty("dbuser");
    String password = System.getProperty("dbpass");

    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:sqlserver://%s;database=%s;user=%s;password=%s",
                host, database, user, password);
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl);

    String sql = "DECLARE @RC int; EXEC @RC = [dbo].[UpdateCamera2] ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?; SELECT 'Return Value' = @RC";
    spStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sql);

This gets everything set up to call the stored procedure (UpdateCamera2 in this case) as well as save the return value, with cleanup in a tear down method:

public static void classTearDown() throws Exception {

There's a helper method to call the stored procedure too. This stored procedure is pretty unwieldy because it was specifically introduced to reduce trips to the database for a performance critical part of the system, and it needs a lot of parameters to do its big pile o' work.

 * Call the stored procedure with the unwieldy list of parameters. Sorry.
 * @return A bit field whose value depends on whether the site and camera were new or already existing.
 * @throws SQLException
private int execUpdateCamera2(String cameraMac,
                              String cameraName,
                              int cameraProductId,
                              String cameraFirmware,
                              String cameraInternalIPAddress,
                              String cameraIPAddress,
                              String cameraIPCountry,
                              boolean cameraAlertsEnabled,
                              String cameraJidResource,
                              String siteId,
                              String siteName,
                              int siteAlertFilter,
                              int siteAlertFrequency) throws SQLException {
    spStatement.setString(1, "testuser@dvsopstest.com");
    spStatement.setString(2, "unit test");
    spStatement.setString(3, cameraMac);
    spStatement.setString(4, cameraName);
    spStatement.setInt(5, cameraProductId);
    spStatement.setString(6, cameraFirmware);
    spStatement.setString(7, cameraInternalIPAddress);
    spStatement.setString(8, cameraIPAddress);
    spStatement.setString(9, cameraIPCountry);
    spStatement.setBoolean(10, cameraAlertsEnabled);
    spStatement.setString(11, cameraJidResource);
    spStatement.setString(12, siteId);
    spStatement.setString(13, siteName);
    spStatement.setInt(14, siteAlertFilter);
    spStatement.setInt(15, siteAlertFrequency);


    ResultSet results = spStatement.getResultSet();
    int returnValue = results.getInt(1);

    return returnValue;

With all that set up, an individual unit test (that references a couple of other helper methods) looks like this:

 * A new site is created if the provided site info doesn't match an existing site.
public void newSiteCreated() throws Exception {
    String siteId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    String siteName = "Test Site #1";
    int siteAlertFilter = 111;
    int siteAlertFrequency = 1111;

    int result = execUpdateCamera2("11-11-11-11-11", "Unit Test Camera", 16, "1.0", "", "", "-", true, "TestJID",
            siteId, siteName, siteAlertFilter, siteAlertFrequency);

    HashMap site = queryForSite(siteId);
    assertEquals(siteName, site.get("Name"));
    assertEquals(siteAlertFilter, site.get("AlertFilter"));
    assertEquals(siteAlertFrequency, site.get("AlertFrequency"));

I recently had to update this stored procedure, and let me tell you, I didn't get it right the first time. Or even the third or fourth time. So it was fantastic to have a procedure that took just a few seconds to spin up a clean test database with my latest attempt and run though all the tests. When I finally worked through my SQL mistakes such that the tests passed, I was confident to check in my new delta script.