Articles by Eric

Evernote vs. OneNote

By Eric — 2 minute read

I've used both Evernote and Microsoft OneNote for several years. While there are lots of extensive comparisons of the applications around, I think the difference between them comes down to just a few broad issues.

Evernote has these things going for it:

  1. Ubiquity
  2. Price (free)

OneNote's list is shorter:

  1. It's …


Migrating from TFS to SVN

By Eric — 7 minute read

I've just spent the past few days migrating a Team Foundation Server source repository to Subversion. It took longer and was more difficult than I expected it to be.

Of course, the easy way is to just get the latest from the TFS repository and add all of the files …


Speaking of Mice... Good vs. Evil

By Eric

Logitech vs. Apple mouse

I finally had to throw the shiny white excuse for a mouse into the drawer and pull out a trusty VX Nano. The Apple mouse suffers from the form over function malady: it is apparently too damaging to the aesthetic to actually have separate left and right buttons. Instead the …


Why a Mouse is Faster than the Keyboard?

By Eric — 1 minute read

I remember reading an article by Bruce Tognazzini (AKA “Tog”) many years ago about how extensive research at Apple indicated that using the mouse is faster than using shortcut keys on the keyboard. This always seemed wrong to me, but after using a Mac somewhat regularly for the past few …


Cipher Suite for webOS

By Eric — 3 minute read

My son turns 14 this month, but we still have bedtime stories. Currently, the bedtime story is Simon Singh's The Code Book. While reading the description of the Vigenére cipher, I started to think about how I'd code up an implementation, and that led to my first webOS application. Cipher …


Cipher Suite - Classic ciphers for webOS

By Eric


Cipher Suite is now available in the official Palm App Catalog.


IIS Configuration with WiX and Appcmd

By Eric — 2 minute read

I recently spent some time building an install package for a web application using WiX. There are some nice IIS extensions for WiX to help with that, but they're missing the ability to set some advanced properties, like an Application Pool's "Enable 32 Bit Applications" property.

Matt Honeycutt has a …


The NSA Questions My Lifestyle

By Eric — 3 minute read

The National Security Agency (NSA) has a video about their polygraph testing, which was critiqued by, and recently reported about on Slashdot. In 1991, while still a college student, I applied for a summer internship with the NSA, so I got to take one of these tests myself …


MessageBox: Just Say Nein

By Eric — 1 minute read

The Windows MessageBox is really convenient to use. A single line of code gets you a dialog box with a caption, a message, an icon and a set of available buttons that cover a lot of possible input scenarios. Unfortunately, the text on the buttons is supplied by the system …


This solution contains a web site...

By Eric

I kept getting a message from Visual Studio 2008 when opening a solution saying:

This solution contains a web site at 'http://localhost/Services'. There is already a web site at this location on this computer. Do you wish to use this existing location for your web site (existing files …