Articles by Eric

Consumed by Technology

By Eric — 4 minute read

Despite the fact that I earn a living with technology, and that even many of my leisure hours are spent in front of a computer, I'm feeling especially consumed by technology lately. By "consumed" I mean more of the "waste or burn away" sense.

I'm beta testing a wireless music …


It's Just UI

By Eric — 3 minute read

Maybe I've just imagined this -- created my own straw man to take down -- but I've sometimes sensed some disparagement of user interface programming. "It's just UI," the architect will say. "It's not like it's a hard or interesting part of the system." As I've done more and more UI development …


Succumbing to the Smartphone Siren

By Eric — 3 minute read

So shortly after crowing about how cheaply I was getting cell phone service, I've sailed headlong into the rocks of an \$80 a month smart phone plan. In spite of all the Android buzz of late, I went with the Palm Pre.

As I've posted before, I used to be …


New Depths of Printer Evil

By Eric

I frequently say, only half-jokingly, that printers are evil. Actually I love my HP LaserJet 1320, but my Canon Pixma 620 is just plain E-V-I-L.

OK, pretty much any inkjet printer is devil-spawn, with the well-cited fact that printer ink is the most expensive liquid on the planet. Canon has …


.NET Color Struct Equality

By Eric

When is white not white? When one is Color.White and the other is Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff).

I was trying to data bind a list of colors to a ComboBox and have the SelectedValue property bound to a particular color. The frustrating thing was that even though …


Defeating Antivirus System Pro

By Eric — 2 minute read

Antivirus System Pro is an irksome piece of malware that holds your computer hostage until you pay a ransom. It is nothing short of extortion. I just spent a few evenings removing it from a friend's computer, and the dozens of articles on the web (and even YouTube videos) were …


Transparent WinForms Label

By Eric — 2 minute read

Easy control transparency isn't exactly a hallmark of Windows Forms. If you have a form with a background image or a gradient, the stock controls paint with a solid background to give a criminally egregious aesthetic.

If you search the web for a solution, you might come up with a …


Rounded Rectangluar Regions

By Eric — 4 minute read

There are lots of examples that demonstrate how to draw a rectangle with rounded corners using GDI+ in .NET. Converting such a rectangle to a Region so that it can be filled or be used for the geometry of a window can have less than perfect results, though.

For example …


Photo Drag 'n Shrink - Quick photo resizer for Windows

By Eric — 1 minute read

Photo Drag 'n Shrink makes it easy to resize images so that they take up less space and can be transferred quicker.


Version 1.0
11 Nov 2009
Around 49 KB

This application depends on the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, which can be obtained through Windows …


Self-Referential Segues

By Eric

If you say "segue" while attempting one, you've already blown it.