Articles by Eric

Python Packaging (2013 Edition)

By Eric

About a year ago, I set out to get a solid working understanding of Python packaging, resulting in a lengthy blog post of what I learned. There have been some significant course changes over that year such that my original post is wrong in several regards.

Here's a summary of …


Getting pip into your Python 3 venv

By Eric — 1 minute read

Python 3.3 includes a built-in equivalent to the popular virtualenv tool for creating isolated Python environments. One difference with the built-in venv is that it doesn't automatically install pip as virtualenv does. While I can understand the decision (given Python's volatile packaging situation), it isn't very convenient.

Here's a …


UI Gem: Android Calendar Time Picker

By Eric — 1 minute read

It's been available for a while now, but every time I use the new Android calendar app's time controls, I'm so impressed by their elegance.

Previously, setting the time for a calendar event involved some simple numeric up/down spinners. Setting the hour worked reasonably well, but if your event …


Security Camera Stills As Art

By Eric

Sure, you can schlep a camera around looking for beautiful things to photograph, or you can just let your security camera do the work and get some serendipitous art.

Color Variance Triptisch

Color Variance Triptisch

Bleak Winter

Bleak Winter

Darn Suction Cups

Darn Suction Cups






Eric's Toolset

By Eric — 2 minute read

These are some of my favorite software utilities for development and life in general. Everything listed here is free.


PyCharm Community Edition (JetBrains) - A feature-rich IDE and debugger for Python built on the IntelliJ platform, with the free community edition having arrived in 2013.


Notepad2 (Florian Balmer) - This …


Dressing the Database in Big-Boy Pants, Part 2

By Eric — 8 minute read

Last time I wrote about using dbdeploy to easily create local databases and to automatically apply changes to the development, staging and production databases. The other change I made recently was to add stored procedure unit tests.

I looked briefly at frameworks specifically for testing databases, but didn't see a …


Dressing the Database in Big-Boy Pants, Part 1

By Eric — 5 minute read

I've mentioned previously that I'm in no danger of being mistaken for a DBA, but I've recently made a few changes in how we work with our database that have upped the maturity level a bit.

Previously we had a single development database shared by all. This is an inflexible …


A word is worth a thousand pictures

By Eric

I found this sticker inside one of a pair of new shoes:

First Picture

I didn't have any idea what this was saying. My wife suggested it meant that I ought to watch out for diamonds... and maybe nets.

I found this sticker in the other shoe. I think it means the …



By Eric

"No matter how cool your interface is, less of it would be better." -- Alan Cooper

"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute." -- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman


UI Horror: Windows 8 BSOD

By Eric

My PC is sad. I know this because of the frowny face. Unfortunately, I know not much more, because my PC won't boot, and Microsoft decided to provide as little information about the error as possible on their new BSOD screen.

Hmm... scary (but potentially useful) hexidecimal-laden error messages or …